
A Brief History of the Shofar and Its Use in Biblical and Modern Liturgy with Jeremy Montagu. [Podcast Archive]

The...shofar shall sound?

It wasn't the cylindrical thing of beauty we call a trumpet today that the great apostle was speaking of in his famous line to the church in Corinth.

It was most likely a shofar, a horn made from the horn of a ram, or a goat, or an antelope, or a kudu. Really anything but a bull, because of a notorious incident involving a golden calf.

Today I replay an interview I played on the podcast during the early days of the show in 2016 featuring the author of a quite authoritative book on the shofar (see link below). Seeing how the date of publishing this episode is the first day of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year, it seemed apropos!

What you'll hear in this episode:

-Great poetry from Rumi...00:45

-Intro to the episode...01:15

-The three shofar calls...05:55

-When did the shofar first mentioned in the Bible?...06:15

-Who blew the first trumpet mentioned in Exodus ch. 19?...09:10

-About those trumpets sounding at the walls of Jericho and with Gideon's small army chasing off the Midianites...11:15

-The use of the shofar in daily Jewish life in old testament days...15:12

-The story behind the three major shofar calls: tekiah, shevarim, teruah...18:03

-Why are cow horns never used as shofars?...19:55

-The only book to read on the shofar, written by our guest (see link below)...22:05

-Plus whatever your discerning ears deem worthy of your time and interest...

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