
How to Practice Without Actually Practicing, Unplanned Diversions from “The Plan”, and Why The Grass is Sometimes Greener Right Where You Are with Michael Hengst

You're supposed to listen to this episode with Michael Hengst.


It was ordained from on high.

Now, are you supposed to go to college?

To get a particular job?

To follow a particular path with your career?

That's up for debate. And there's never been a more fruitful time in history to explore other "off the beatin' path" opportunities than today.

Michael was following a path he was supposed to follow. Get a degree, another degree, yet another degree, then climb the ladder, play the game until you land an orchestra or prestigious teaching gig.

Well, he realized he's just as happy at little old Metropolitan State U. Denver than he would be at any of the big universities or conservatories anywhere else.

If anything, he might very well be leaving his dream job were he to pursue one of those gigs where the grass is only greener on the other side in your mind.Turns out MSU suits him just fine. He gets to play a lot, works with great kids, works with great faculty - and as you'll find out gives pretty dang good podcast interviews.

So lean in, listen well, this could be the most important 30+ minutes you'll experience in the next half hour.

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