
The Serendipitous and Hallucinogenic Manner In Which God (or whatever Richard Dawkins calls God) Called Nathaniel Mayfield Back to The Little Pond Called Trumpet.

Have you ever heard the saying, "Love is what drives the world"? It’s a phrase we encounter often, but have you ever connected its essence to something you're deeply passionate about?

In this episode featuring the great Nathaniel Mayfield, we'll dive deep into this concept, and what we uncover might surprise you!

A trumpet is nothing more than a simple piece of plumbing. But when we breathe life into it, it becomes intimately personal, a vessel for our emotions, a conduit through which we pour out the deepest sentiments of our heart.

When you play or engage in your craft, whatever it may be, it’s not just about the technicalities; it's about the love and soul you invest into it. Every note, every brushstroke, every word – they become extensions of your essence, speaking your unique language of love.

So, ask yourself: when you delve into your passion, are you truly connecting with it? Are you letting it be a bridge to something larger, something divine?

Can you feel that energy, that love, coursing through you, making every act of creation a testament to your connection with the universe?

Your journey as a trumpeter, or whatever craft you may pursue, is filled with challenges. But imagine facing every intricate detail, every hurdle you overcome with an overwhelming embrace of love.

Not just as a fleeting emotion, but as a driving force that propels you to evolve, learn, and express in ways you might not have thought possible before.

Isn’t that the beauty of love? In every aspect of your life, when you let love be the guide, your experiences transform. You discover resilience in tough times, glean wisdom from setbacks, and above all, unearth the profound purpose behind your passions.

So I ask you to ponder this: are you allowing love to navigate your journey? Is it truly your guiding star?

When we allow love to influence our choices, shape our experiences, and redefine your reality, it could very well be the secret to unlocking your ultimate potential.

Here are a few highlights you'll hear in this episode with Nathaniel Mayfield:

-Music is a spiritual journey, and it doesn't matter how much we're involved with it...04:10

-Nate's personal journey with trumpet, from young boy to the present...06:00

-"I don't care about winning competitions; I just want to enjoy music"...10:30

-"You feel like a part of you is missing"...14:10

-Everything we do as it pertains to music is done out of love...17:50

-Serendipitous callings back to trumpet...20:45

-The love of trumpet was dissipated by The Grind of competing and touring...24:30

-Maturity leads to how you self-identify as it pertains to music and trumpet...31:50

-Nate describes in detail his recent psychedelic journey in Tijuana...36:00

-Reconciled previous destructive behavior from trumpet playing...01:01:00

-What might a Nate Mayfield "trumpet comeback" look like?...01:02:30

-Trumpet is our first love, which is why so many feel disillusioned by it...01:06:30

-Plus whatever your discerning ears deem worthy of your time and interest...

Thank you for joining us on "Trumpet Dynamics" – telling the story of the trumpet, in the words of those who play it.

For more captivating episodes and exclusive content, visit our official website at trumpetdynamics.com. There you can dive deeper into the interviews, discover additional resources, and connect with your fellow trumpeters.

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Until we meet again, may your fingers be fluid, your breath unimpeded, and your chops ever fresh.

Play hard!

**Many thanks to the great Alexis Baro (listen to his interview on the podcast here) for allowing the use of "Come Together" from his outstanding album Sandstorm for the intro and closing music for the podcast.

Discover Alexis' incredible playing and his terrific contributions to the music world at alexisbaro.com

Mentioned in this episode:

Odd Meter Technical Exercises for Trumpet by Michael Hengst

Original exercises and adaptations of your favorites, all in 5/8 and 7/8 meters.